
New Year, New You? Right… Or at least that’s what we all tell ourselves as the clock strikes midnight. The thing is, those goals, those big dreams we set, those aspirations we aim to achieve, those don’t just disappear the third week in January. So why do so many of us fail to accomplish our resolutions?

Our problem is consistency, it’s with intention, and it’s certainly with remembering what we wanted most when the warm and fuzzy feelings fade. The biggest mistake we make is not having a detailed plan. We all say we “I want to loose 15 pounds”, “I want to be debt free”, “I want to run a marathon” but many of us lack a specific outlined plan on how to get there. My whole life I’ve been told “when you fail to plan, you plan to fail” and time and time again that phrase has held true. We set those goals and New Year Resolutions in the beginning of the year because that’s genuinely what our heart wants, we want to be healthy, and happy, successful, and stress free. We want to be a better mother, sibling, spouse and friend but by failing to sit down and actually map out HOW you’ll accomplish those things, it’s really just a wish and not a plan at all.

My goal for this blog is to motivate anyone reading this to take your goals seriously this year. No one will want you to accomplish your goals more than you will. You need to invest in yourself and your dreams like your life depends on it because quite frankly, it does. You can’t expect other people to motivate you or remind you of what you said you wanted. You need to put a plan together, time block, write daily affirmations, set reminders on your phone, listen to podcasts, read, and remember why you started.

This year I set some pretty hefty goals myself. I am looking to lose fifty pounds (fifty pounds that I have told myself for the last two years I would loose, so you’re not alone in lack of implantation of New Year Resolutions), help sixty families buy a home, yes that is SIX ZERO, and win Woman of the Year by raising $130,000 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Now those are the goals for 2019 along with smaller ones like, traveling and being an exceptional partner, sister, daughter, friend, boss and so on; but just writing these all down here? That doesn’t make them goals at all, that makes them wishes. They became goals when I sat down and time blocked my schedule, when I decided what times I am going to grocery shop and meal plan, when I intend to work out, or stay late to meet with clients. I put these wishes I had to paper, I set reminders in my phone that go off twice a day to remind me of what I set out to accomplish this year and along with a bunch of other tangible, measurable, habits I will be able to track my progress, stick to a plan, and succeed.

Now none of us are perfect, and we can’t predict what life throws at us but we do have control over how we handle it and how we show up each day and it’s my mission to not only hold myself accountable but to help anyone who would like to be held accountable too. I’m here as a resource and I will be sharing my journey as the year progresses but please know…. this beautiful thing called life, we only get one shot at it. It’s time to start doing what we promised ourselves we would do and make our time here on this earth matter. You can do anything you set your mind to, you can accomplish anything, and you can start over at any time for each day is a new day!

For those of you looking to take this seriously please find some resources I think may be helpful.

1. Join me for my next High Heel Happy Hour where we will be making Vision Boards! See the details below!


2. Find @MRSRACHELHOLLIS on Instagram and take a listen to her Podcast as well https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/rise-podcast/id1245763628?mt=2 here you’ll be able to listen to amazing interviews and motivational talks as well as her amazing book “Girl, Wash Your Face.”

3. Take listen to the Brendon Burchard Show Podcast https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-brendon-show/id821746377 and to take it one step further, if you go to Season 4 you can find his book High Performance Habits which is absolutely incredible.

4. Time block! Be intentional with your day an set a time to work on each aspect of your goals. Download the app Google Calendar and use that! It is super helpful and effective!

5. Find me on Instagram! @LIVEWITHLALA There, you’ll be able to follow along with my journey and we can keep each other accountable! I’ll be posting motivational stuff along with other great tips!

2019 is your year and it you can do and become anything you set your mind to,

maybe this one year, this one time, don’t give up on yourself! - xo, lala


I need how much to buy a house??


LaLa's Favorite Things 2018! Like Oprah's but better lol