Beamer, Benz.... Range Rover?
This was supposed to be a picture of me with my brand new Range Rover.... I waited 15 years for this but life practically never works out the way we think it will and instead of waiting to post the picture I thought I would, I’m going to post the real life one instead...
15 years ago I was in a dealership with my dad when we walked passed a Range Rover. After he was done I dragged him back over to the truck and I said “Dad! One day I’m going to buy this.” He gave me a good chuckle and said “Laur, do you know how much that truck is?? ... but from your lips to Gods ears... I’m sure you will one day.”
GUYS... that was FIFTEEN YEARS AGO and two days ago I finally did just that. The last two days I have realized many profound things that surround this experience so I wanted to share.
1. The first thing being the insane discrimination I faced as a young woman walking into a dealership alone asking to test drive a Range Rover the words were “you have to be able to afford it first”... okay cool so that’s a whole post in itself but nothing got my blood boiling as much as that comment did last week.
2. Getting wrapped up in the social media ridiculousness, wanting the cute picture with my new truck... HA! Instead I had to have surgery on my head the day I picked it up and there I was with a complete head bandage so obviously no cute picture was taken lmaooo I wasn’t even going to share this exciting time in my life because I didn’t have a picture and then I thought omg how dumb is that! The social media hype is ridiculous I’m posting anyway!
3. The picture I wound up taking in this post?? In a hospital parking lot going to visit my Aunt who was just diagnosed with terminal Cancer and realizing how little any of these things really even matter. Don’t get me wrong, I worked so damn hard for this. I paid off debt, I broke records at work, I worked 14 hour days, I put my head down and hustled so to accomplish a goal feels dope but really this is just a thing, it’s an object that I would trade for anyones health. So yea I bought my dream truck... it’s cool, I’m proud but ask me what I’m gonna do to change the world one day, now THAT will be the real post.
@ Stony Brook Medicine