5 to THRIVE.
What is your life worth?
Recently I went to the RISE conference that Rachel Hollis hosts. It was EVERYTHING! It filled my cup up ALL the way, gave me ALL the feels, and set my heart on FIRE. A few things I really liked about her conference is that she doesn’t just preach to you, she actually sends you home with real life, tangible advice. 5 to thrive is one of those things that she gave us to take home and I think it is just SO valuable, so I wanted to share it with you!
5 to Thrive is a list of 5 activities that you can implement into your daily life right away that will cause the maximum growth and positive difference. Rachel attributes the biggest shift in productivity and success in her life to these 5 activities. Today was my first day implementing all five into my life. In the past I have done one or two but never all five so I am excited to see and measure the difference!
Without wasting any more time let’s get to them!
Tip 1 / 5 - Get up an hour earlier than you normally do and use the time for YOURSELF.
You know you’ve said it before… “but I just don’t have enough time”. That’s the excuse we all tell ourselves but in reality we DO have enough time we just spend it doing other things. Getting up an hour early will find you an extra hour in your day and you should use it for self care. Get in your thirty minutes of exercise EVERYDAY (you’ll read about this below), do your Start Today Journal, write down your gratitude (more about this later) and set your day out intentional. Hey maybe sit and drink that perfect cup of HOT coffee before the little ones wake up or the phone starts ringing!
Tip 2 / 5 - Drink half of your body weight in ounces of water EVERYDAY.
We already know how important it is to be hydrated and drink water, but most of us don’t drink nearly enough of it. If you’re not taking care of your self physically there is a 0% chance you will become the best version of yourself so it’s really important to hydrate and drink the water and YES you will have to pee A LOT more than usual but you’ll genuinely feel the difference!
Tip 3 / 5 - Give up 1 food category that you know you shouldn’t be eating for at least 30 days
Yes, those chips that you just can’t stop snacking on. Or maybe for you it’s Diet Coke or candy. Whatever it is for you, you know of a food that maybe you indulge on just too much. The food with no brakes and adds literally no quality to your health. Give it up for at least 30 days. See how your body feels without it and then pick another food next month. Just show up for yourself! This is about proving to yourself that you CAN give something up, and you CAN keep a promise to yourself. Once you accomplish this for 30 days you’ll start to realize what you are capable of.
Tip 4/ 5 - Write down 10 things you’re grateful for every single day.
In a world full of negativity and stress it’s important to be intentional with your thoughts. Starting your day with 10 things you are grateful for trains your mind to start looking for the positives in your life. Changing your entire mindset and aligning you with the framework for a positive, successful life. These things aren’t meant to be big things like your health or your family. Try to look for smaller examples in your daily life. Maybe it’s that someone let you merge in traffic this morning, or held the door open for you, maybe it’s that your kid said something sweet or your spouse went out of their way to do something special. Note the small things, because I ensure you they add up to be the big things.
Tip 5 / 5 - Workout for AT LEAST 30 minutes every day, FOREVER.
I know, I know, this sounds BANANAS. BUT, if you stop to think about it, it makes sense. Have you ever heard of the saying “a body in motion, stays in motion… while a body in rest, stays at rest”. Well this is just one example of why it’s so important to move your body. When you move your body you change your mood, your entire mental state… plus it’s important to try live a health lifestyle especially when most of us sit at a desk and work all day. Moving your body every day will help in all sorts of ways, reducing stress, and creating a healthy habit. Like we said earlier you have a 0% chance of achieving everything you dream of if you are not physically taking care of yourself. So yes, it may not be what you WANT to do but DO IT ANYWAY.
Now you have the FIVE TO THRIVE tools to implement. Maybe start with one or two of them and add on as you go. All I know is there is absolutely NO WAY that adding these 5 steps into your daily life won’t positively impact your life. Maybe get a friend or partner on board to join you. I just started my daily 5 to Thrive practice and I can’t wait to update you next month!
Are you wondering how you can get a first hand experience like me at RISE? Search no further! Below are all the upcoming RISE conferences! I promise they are worth EVERY PENNY!
Truly can’t afford a conference? Check out her Made for More Documentary on Amazon Prime for FREE! (CLICK HERE) or her FREE RISE podcast (CLICK HERE)!